Smart Thinking
Smart Thinking Logic and Argument Logic is the science of examining arguments, which are statements used to prove a point. For an argument to be valid, it must be supported by facts or evidence. Arguments can be divided into two parts: the premises, which are the evidence or reasons given to support the point, and the conclusion, which is the point that the argument is trying to prove. There are indicators we can use to identify premises or conclusions. Premise indicators : Because, Since, As, given that, For the reason that, Due to, In light of, Considering that, Based on the fact that, Seeing that, Owing to Conclusion indicators : Therefore, Thus, Hence, Consequently, as a result, It follows that, In conclusion, In summary, Which means that, Which implies that, So In an argument, if there are specific words or phrases used to indicate that a statement is either a premise or a conclusion, this is known as explicit inference. On the ...